Thursday, 17 May 2012


Jabiru has been amazing place- have met some lovely people who have shown us some lovely places. Have been to a few local rugby game and caught lots of fish. We also found this 2.5m croc floating along the river, nick couldnt resist getting it in the boat and taking a photo. Pictured is a croc well over 5meters, while launching this day the rangers let go a 4.2m croc at the boat ramp- they had been doing some research on its breeding habits . Slowly making our way home this week- back to the cold weather. It is now very cold in Alice Spring getting into the minus over night. Off to the Tennant Creek races this weekend- should be fun!

Thursday, 3 May 2012

East Alligator fishing

Finally we have found some 'real' run off fishing, have been catching at least 40 fish each day for the last 4 days. The scenery has been amazing with lots of escarpment country and lush green flood planes.Check out the video attached - nick fishing for barramundi with surface lures- very exciting but very hard to get good footage (as neither of us rarely likes to give up the rod for the camera)